Alongwith several points of similarities between public and private administration,there are also several dissimilarities between the two.Both are two different forms of administration.Simon says, “In the popular imagination,governmental administration is bureaucratic,Private administration is business-like,government administration is political,private administration is non political,government administration is characterised by red tape,private administration is not”.
Dissimilarities between public and private administration |
Main points of differences between public and private administration :
1.Scope of public administration is more Comprehensive.
            The scope of public administration is wider than That of private administration.The activities of even the biggest private organisations do not cover the same area as covered by government activities.Public administration is very comprehensive.It deals with multi-dimensional needs of all the people of the state.Private administration is,mostly,limited in scope.
2.Difference in Objective.
  The aim of public administration is not profit but welfare of all,while the basic objective of private administration is profit.Public administration is governed by the supreme objective to the people and any profit that may result is incidental to the service rendered.Profit is a primary goal of private administration.
3.Uniform treatment in public administration.
4.Public administration characterised by Red Tape,Routine and Delay.
 Delay and inefficiency have come to be the characteristics of public Administration.In Public Administration,all the formalities of law have to be completed before undertaking a certain action.To work according to rules,to interpret and apply rules,to act according to rules and to do only specially assigned tasks,together produce delays and inefficiency in public administration.The network of rules and regulations which have to be followed by the personnel engaged in running Public Administration act as a source of delay,red tape and inefficiency.There is more efficiency in private Administration.Work is done in private Administration with more devotion,discipline and enthusiasm.Private Administration leads to rapid and bigger production of goods while public administration delivers the goods and services at a slower rate and at higher costs.
5.Public administration is More Responsible.
Officials engaged in running public Administration have always to bear that all their action are judged,discussed,criticised and scrutinised by the public.It has to work in accordance with the allotted tasks,assigned funds and remain under continuous public control exercised through the legislature,executive,judiciary and the press.It has to work under the political executive which is both responsible and accountable to the people.Public opinion is the greatest check on the officials.Private administration is not open to public security.It has an internal control mechanism.The owners and the top managers exercise a direct control over the activities of the personnel.The public has little role in controlling private administration .However,it is also to satisfy some rules and conditions laid down by the government for regulating private business trade ,Industry and service.
6.Difference regarding Anonymity
  In public administration,there is anonymity of the officials.The officials work as agents of the state and by virtue of the posts they hold.On the contrary,private administration does things on its own behalf and is well known in the business circle.Private administration maintains secrecy of operations and objectives.
7.Monopolistic character of public AdministrationÂ
  There is generally a monopoly of the government over certain areas of socio-economic relations and it does not allow private administration to compete with it.Private Administration works in an environment of competitivesness.Private enterprise have to compete with each other and in the process,they register rapid development.As against it,lack of competition is a source of slackness for public administration.
Thus there are several recognisable difference between public and private administration. As such there are both similarities and dissimilarities between public and private administration.Both are characterised by similar managerial techniques.Profite motive is also now a somewhat shared motive.Public administration is not all service and private administration is not all profit.The personnel of one often migrate to and get absorbed in other.