Plato’s theory of justice notes

Introduction •Plato wanted to make Athens, an ideal state and he Considered Justice as the most important element for the establishment of an Ideal State. • Plato gave Theory of Justice in his book “The Republic”, also subtitled as Concerning Justice because discovering the principles of Justice is the central problem of Plato’s “Republic”,”   […]

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Write a short note on brahmo samaj

THE BRAHMO SAMAJ The Brahmo Samaj of Raja Rammohan Roy was a spiritual institution or agency of socio-religious reformation in modern India. This brain-child of Raja Rammohan Roy was both a religious order and a reformation movement. It was a part and an active agency of Renaissance movement and an ideological revolution. It was an

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explain kautilya’s theory of state

Like his predecessor Manu, Kautilya has also given the saptanga theory of the state. According to him that state(Rajya) consisted of seven-element (Prakritis) such as swamin (The sovereign), Amatyas(Ministers), Janapada(territory and population,, Durga(fort), kosha(Treasury), Bala(Army), and Mitra(Ally) which may be discussed below: You can read this-kautilya theory of kingship Seven elements of the state  ◆Swamin

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