Plato reviewed the condition of the Greek city-states at that time. He observed that there were full of anarchy and tyranny in Athens. After his observation, he prepared the outline of an ‘ideal state’ to establish national strength, harmony prosperity, and unity among the people. Plato created his ideal state and discussed the relationship between man and the state. A good nation can develop good qualities in its citizens. The human soul is primarily composed of conscience, attitude, and appetite. He believed that this would create an ideal state and the country would move on the path of progress. The purpose of this Ideal State was actually to give direction to the nation and government of Greece. Plato’s ideal state has some important features, which are the highlight of this theory.
Features of Plato’s ideal state
1. Rule of the Philosopher King:- Plato’s state is ruled by the King, who is also a philosopher, who has the role of head of state. It is the rule of the philosopher-king. It is the rule of knowledge and wisdom. The Philosopher King is the embodiment of wisdom and knowledge.
2. State-Controlled Education System: A state-controlled education system can raise philosopher kings and establish them in a better position. It can also develop inherent qualities in every individual, and this was the ultimate objective of this education system. The state is an educational institution and training is essential in all government-controlled educational systems. The training will help in gaining higher knowledge as well as in state management. Higher education courses include science education, mathematics, astronomy, logic, etc. In the primary education system, the child’s body and mind are kept healthy by giving physical education and music education. To build an ideal, education system of Plato play an important role.
3. Communism of Wives and Property:Â In Plato’s view, the philosopher king would not care about anything other than the national interest. The philosopher king can be free from family disputes and concentrate on the welfare of the state and gaining greater knowledge. Feminism and money communism only apply to the ruling class. They can personally dictate all of their actions without recourse.
4. Justice: The main idea of Plato’s ideal state is justice. In an ideal state, justice should be established at the highest place. The correctness of justice and the school of law is known only to the philosopher king. Promoting, spreading justice, and making every person aware of his duty represent the practice of the true wisdom of the Philosopher King. He will represent knowledge itself and maintain the unity and harmony of the country. Since the ideal state and justice are inseparable from each other, the king must implement its results. Justice means the duty of citizens and the duty of the person who is appointed to do his duty properly.
5. Functional Specialization- Â According to Plato, there are three classes in the state. The first is the philosopher’s king or ruler, who would represent wisdom. Since they are experienced in politics, they will spend their time on the welfare of the country. The second class is the military. They are engaged in the security of the country by carrying out its military tasks. The third class is producers. People in the third category will naturally try to prevent hunger and engage in productive work. Plato believed that they could not rule. Therefore, when the philosopher-king organizes his work, then people of other classes will also be able to organize their work. This is called Plato’s system of division of labor or the principle of performance. While the ruling group was acknowledged as gold, the defenders were acknowledged as silver, and the producers were acknowledged as copper. Most importantly, these three classes should not interface with every class’s work.
6. Equality between men and women: Plato has given equal places to both men and women in his ideal state. In his opinion, the day women’s liberation or independence comes, it will be said that a real ideal state has been built. Keeping women in the corner of the house is like depriving half of the country of their right to vote. This type of system can not provide proper justice to every individual. So he introduced an equal education system for both men and women.
7. Control of art and literature:Â According to the Platonic state, art and literature are under the control of the ruling class. There should be a way to prevent cheap, wrong ideas from reaching people. People need to read only literature that is morally sound and wise in its content.
Why Did Plato Feel the Need for an Ideal State?
There are several important reasons why Plato strongly believed in the concept of an ideal state. The following are the key reasons:
Frustration with Athenian Democracy- Plato was deeply dissatisfied with how Athens was governed. As a democracy, Athens allowed citizens to vote for their leaders, but Plato saw this system as flawed. He believed that decision-making should be based on wisdom and competence, not popularity. In *The Republic*, he compares democracy to a ship where the crew elects a loud, charismatic captain rather than a skilled navigator. His disillusionment with democracy was further intensified by the execution of his mentor, Socrates. In 399 BCE, Athenian democracy sentenced Socrates to death for encouraging critical thinking. To Plato, this was proof that democracy could be irrational and unjust. He wanted a political system where knowledgeable and virtuous individuals—not the masses—held power.
Chaos and Moral Decline in Greek City-States- During Plato’s time, Greek city-states were plagued by instability. The Peloponnesian War had left Athens weakened, and its leaders frequently changed, many of them corrupt and power-hungry. Plato observed that this chaos led to moral decay—people became dishonest, selfish, and indifferent to the common good. He believed that unstable governments could never create a strong, unified society. They failed to educate citizens in virtue and wisdom, which he saw as essential for a just and prosperous state. To restore order, Plato sought a radically different political structure.
The Need for Wise Leadership- Plato proposed a simple solution: entrust leadership to the wise and virtuous. He introduced the concept of “philosopher-kings”—rulers who deeply understood truth and justice. In his Ideal State, these leaders would undergo rigorous training in subjects like mathematics, logic, and philosophy to ensure fair and rational governance. Unlike the self-serving politicians he observed, philosopher-kings would rule not for personal gain but for the collective good.
Disappointment with Existing Governments- Plato’s dissatisfaction extended beyond democracy—he found flaws in all contemporary forms of government. Oligarchies concentrated power in the hands of the wealthy, while tyrannies placed authority in the hands of oppressive rulers. In *The Republic*, he argues that these systems inevitably collapse because power is always given to the wrong people. Whether through elections, wealth, or brute force, leadership often ended up in the hands of the undeserving. Plato criticised these governments for neglecting the “common good”—the well-being of all citizens. He envisioned a state that prioritised fairness and moral education rather than power struggles.
A Deep Desire for Justice- Justice was central to Plato’s political philosophy. He did not view it as merely an abstract concept but as the foundation of a well-ordered society. In his Ideal State, individuals would be assigned roles based on their abilities: the wise would govern, the courageous would defend, and the labourers would provide for society. He compared this structure to the human soul, where reason, spirit, and desires must be in harmony. To prevent corruption, Plato even proposed that rulers should not have families or own private property. This way, their loyalty would be to society as a whole rather than personal interests. His Ideal State aimed to create a just, balanced society where every individual contributed meaningfully.
A Vision for Lasting Peace and Unity- Plato was not seeking a temporary solution—he envisioned a political system that would ensure long-term peace and stability. He believed that a just society should mirror human nature, where intellect leads, courage supports, and desires are kept in check. In his Ideal State, people would recognise their roles and work together harmoniously, reducing conflicts and fostering unity. For Plato, this was more than just an idealistic theory; it was a serious plan for societal reform. After witnessing Athens’ struggles and the unjust execution of Socrates, he became convinced that his Ideal State could prevent chaos and create a better future where people lived in peace and prosperity.
Criticism of Plato’s Ideal State
1. It is tyrannical.- Plato favours the absolute rule of the philosopher king. He believes that those alone who know make his rulers absolute and concentrate unlimited authority in their hands. The truth that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts is bound to reflect on the philosopher king. Degeneration of moral values among philosopher rulers will surely make them tyrants.
2. It ignores the law.- Plato’s ideal state is based on the basic premise of knowledge. He establishes the sovereignty of knowledge. But the problem with his theory of the ideal state is that he completely forgets about systems legal, administrative, and judicial, which are so strongly required to run a state. In his emphasis on knowledge, he completely ignores this and leaves it undefined.
3. It is utopian.- Plato’s ideal state is an ideal only. It is too idealistic to be practical. Plato is hardly a political thinker. He is a moralist, an idealist whose concept of the ideal state is entirely utopian. He imagines a ‘city of nowhere’. It is the dream city of Plato, which cannot exist on this Earth at least.
4. His communism is not practical.- The communism of property and families, which he expects his guardian’s class to practice, is not only unwanted but also impractical. It is against basic human psychology and therefore almost impossible to implement.
5. It restricts Human Growth.- Plato’s rigid division of labour restricts the personal growth of individuals by confining them to specific roles. This system discourages the development of diverse talents and interests, leading to a society where individuals are assign to a particular category roles that may not fully utilise their potential.
6. It is against Democratic Values.- The absolute and tyrannical rule of knowledge gives no space to liberty and equality. These values are virtually sacrificed for the sake of the dominance of knowledge and reason. Artisans and toiles, who constitute a large chunk of society, are completely neglected. So this view of the ideal state is completely opposed to democratic values.
There is hardly any doubt that Plato’s ideal state is a dream city and can be found in clouds only. Plato, who had learned from Socrates that beauty cannot exist without a beautiful thing, and like him, he too believed that the idea is real, had conceived this ideal state as only an ‘idea’. This was his idea of ‘good’. He knew about its instability and that is why he talked about his second-best state in his later writings like Statesman and Laws.