Short note on Raja RamMohan Roy

Raja Rammohan Roy was the first Indian to advocate for the abolition of evil social customs. He strongly advocated for Western education, socio-economic reforms, freedom of the press, the emancipation of women, etc. Roy’s role in pre-independent India was like that of a pathfinder. Post-independent India remembers him as a prophet who laid the foundation

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Discuss The Nature and Scope of Political Theory

Political theory and political thought are interconnected but have different focuses. Political theory involves the systematic examination and speculation of political phenomena by scholars, often detached from contemporary realities. It seeks to understand and explain how political systems function, using a structured approach to analyze political ideas, structures, and behaviors. Political thought, however, represents the prevailing

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Feminism in International Relations

Feminist theory in international relations comes with a unique contribution and perspective regarding international relations, regarding State system, regarding the overall international relations Theory. Knowledge, according to feminist Scholars, is shaped by culture, history, and context. It is because we believe that knowledge is something which is objective in nature, but in reality, feminist Scholars

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Decline of Political Theory

Political theory was an old concept that evolved during the ancient ages in Greece. It has occupied a place that has long been intertwined with philosophy and focused on normative questions about how society should be organized. Ancient Thinkers like Plato, and Aristotle and modern thinkers Like Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, and others wrote their

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Rousseau: Social Contract Theory

Jean Jacques Rousseau, a Philosopher of Geneva, was popularly known as the great philosopher of Geneva. In his book, Social Contract, he began with the important quotation that Man is born free but Everywhere he is in chains. In his work, Rousseau explains the nature of political authority and legitimacy. Rousseau, in his state of

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Significance of Political Theory

Political theory originated in the ancient Greek world and it is made up of two words – politics and theory. Therefore, it is important to understand the meaning of the principle here. Theory has been considered an essential tool for the progress of civilized mankind. The word Siddhant is the Hindi version of the English

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