Plato’s theory of forms

One of the greatest philosophers in history was Plato. He was born in Athens around 428 before the Common Era and died 348/347 before the Common Era. Socrates was the teacher of Plato, and Plato founded a school called the Academy. Plato developed the theory of forms and contributed significantly to philosophy, mathematics, and political

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Idealism: Idealism in International Relations

Idealism is one of the schools of thought in the theory of international relations that focuses on international cooperation, morality, and institutions rather than strict national self-interest. Idealism emerged immediately after World War I, mainly through the works of President Woodrow Wilson of America. Wilson’s idealistic thought occupied his Fourteen Points speech, which was designed

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Difference between Defensive and Offensive realism

Realism is one of the predominant theories of international relations. Realism emphasizes that the international system is anarchic, with no overarching authority to regulate interactions between sovereign states. States act to ensure their security and survival in this anarchic environment. There are debates within realism about how states pursue security and power. Defensive realism argues

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Neorealism in international relations

Neorealism emerged as an influential theory of international relations during the early 1980s. The biggest contributor to neorealism was Kenneth N. Waltz, who published the landmark book Theory of International Politics in 1979. This work gave a scientific and systematic approach to classical realist theory, which became known as structural realism or neorealism. Waltz expanded

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